Saturday, April 29, 2006
Kitchen Blog?
What'd you all think?
..Taking A Field Trip

Yeah I know, I should've updated long time ago.. But I haven't been feeling well, I had an upset stomach!! And I still don't know what from! It wasn't something I ate lol.. It wasn't anything else, I told a few that I'd be seeing the doctor.. Well, I didn't, simply because two days later, the pain just went away.. I know it's not "right" to "sleep" on pain.. But I'm not really fond of clinics, doctors and most of all MEDICATION! ugh.. Anyway, I'm fine now, Hamdulilah..
And y'all have been wanting an update! Popular Demand, eh? :p Well, here you go, though not much has been going on really..
Today, I went to Mutrah Suq, with my friend Sarah. She wanted to buy some "Omani souvenirs" before going back to Egypt (she works there). It was a lovely evening.
To be honest, In all my life, I think I've only been to that part of Oman a few times... It's such a shame though, I mean the whole "Corneish"(By the sea) is just lovely! After today, I think I'm in an "exploring mood".. I think I should actually explore Oman, since I'm here and up to nothing! I mean I would love to go to Nizwa for starters! :D
As a child in school, I remember how excited I'd be, learning that we had a field trip during the week. Which meant ofcourse a break from schoolwork and an adventure with friends! Yeeeah!! :D Now as an adult, I suppose taking a field trip could be just as fun and memorable!!
You see, allowing yourself to get stuck in your routine can make life seem boring. Adding a touch of variety to your life in the form of a field trip can break up the monotony of your days and lead you to adventure. Unlike the jaunts that were regulated by teachers or monitored by parents *groan*, taking a field trip as an adult can lead you anywhere you want. It can be an opportunity to explore a new landscape or discover something about myself. Taking a day trip to another town or visiting an unfamiliar spot in your neighborhood can be educational and fun!! Tons of fun with my love for photography now! Aaaah! That IS the life! Now all I need is wheels! :( Oh, about that.. Cross your fingers people ! I'm getting my driver's liscence NEXT MONTH! Wooohooo!
Now, about that field trip.. Would anyone want to go with me? LOL.. Planning it would actually be so much fun! :D Hehe.. I'm sure we all need a change of scenary!!
P.S: If any one can teach me how to "upload" these photos in a different, a neater way, please tell me! It messes up the post! lol..
Yeah, I've taken these photos a few months back, on my only trip to the interior Oman since I came back from Jordan. (From above: Jebal Shams - Wadi Ghoul greens -Wadi Ghoul huts - Al Hamra)
Thursday, April 20, 2006
This link will take you to it!
Yeah, I started it, tried to update it as much possible , and ended it just now!
I actually loved this event! It gave me an idea of what students and youngsters out here are actually interested in. And visitors stressed on having an organization like AMIDEAST (mentioned in post) opening up here would actually benefit Oman! Cool! Move over British Council! hehe..

fft.. They're playing on June 25th in Edmonton, CAN- Rexall Place.. and on June 26th in Calgary- Pengrowth Saddledome ... Grr.. Lucky them.. Canada I mean.. I WANT TO GO!
If they ever perform in Dubai or Lebanon (Which they did once before,or was it a rumor?)..I would most definetly go! I'd be insane not to!!
AAARGH! *frustrated* Why don't any of the performers come here to Muscat or to Jordan! We promise we won't bomb you! XD
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Intimate Dancing
But..Alas..In a busy and demanding world full of obligations and opportunities, we sometimes lose track of our primary relationships, thinking they will tend to themselves. We may think that our love is strong enough to survive without attention. Yet even mature trees need water and care if they are to thrive.
I now feel I have made the right decision. No regrets.. And hopefully no looking back.."sigh"..
But if any of you out there is in that "long-term relationship" and really wants to maintain it. Then "communication" is the key to nourish that relationship. If you feel that a distance has grown between you and your partner, you may be able to bridge the gap by sharing how you feel. I somehow failed to do so. But, it was somewhat "intended" so.. Im not explaining this.. It's too complicated. Anyway..
You're in the same boat together and trying to maintain your relationship and keep it healthy and thriving. Express faith and confidence in each other, and enjoy the slow dance of intimacy that can resume between the two of you. :)
What I hate....

..But often forget that I do..
I hate not having a car.. I HATE not having a car probably more than anything ever! (At the moment ofcourse..if that makes any sense) I remember hating not having a car back in college, when I was waiting for the bus, in the pouring rain, I had forgotten my umbrella at home, and people were driving by in their own cars.. I remember texting my dad saying "DAD I NEED A CAR BADLY!"...
And what was his reply? "HAHAHAHA"..
"sigh".. I guess when you're unlucky, there's no changing that!
Oh..The pic is of my mom posing in a funny way and her brand new car which she paid for all by herself and got 3 days ago! :) Cool or what? Hopefully I'll be doing the same..
Monday, April 17, 2006
Inane Rambling..He Says
Melon ™ says:
m says:
thought so..bummer..ok
m says:
i'll just pop off and shoot myself
m says:
thanks for noticing
m says:
i could say anything right now i suppose
m says:
i have flowers growing out of my ears
m says:
my clothes are on fire
m says:
i was once a woman
m says:
i come from another planet in a galaxy far, far away
m says:
i'm actually made of chocolate
m says:
if you cut me, you get hot mocca out of my veins
m says:
i have a special coating to protect me in hot weather
m says:
but must never be exposed to herbal tea
m says:
for some reason
m says:
it's a chemical reaction
m says:
i don't like cauliflower either
m says:
cauliflower and chocolate don't mix
m says:
hmm..Melon spends a long time on the phone
m says:
must be someone important
m says:
wish she would call me now and then
m says:
actually, ever
m says:
but never mind..she is here
m says:
m says:
man, what a pic
m says:
all i have is a duck
m says:
not that i've got anything against ducks ya3ni
m says:
i used to like feeding them in the park
m says:
not sure i ever had a plastic one like this in the bath though
m says:
m says:
i forget
m says:
nowadays i just like ducks to eat i suppose
m says:
i wonder if they know?
m says:
that they are destined to be food?
m says:
imagine that!
m says:
"daddy, when i grow up, i want to be a really exceptional dish made with a sauce of coriander and kumquats in a michelin star rated restaurant"
m says:
"now now son, what's wrong with being a crispy peking duck like you dad? those lovely little's a popular classic son, nothing to be ashamed of"
m says:
you know, there;'s only so long you can talk to yourself before it gets a bit boring
Melon ™ says:
Melon ™ says:
m says:
i don't even know if you will ever read this
Melon ™ says:
hang on!
m says:
i wouldn't's just inane rambling
Melon ™ says:
la7za let me read!
Melon ™ says:
lol..Im Blogging this!!
Bwahahaha! Copyrighted - Mimosa
Friday, April 14, 2006

The lyrics below describe the state of the world we're living in.. A Perfect Circle couldn't have put it in a better way... Orignally performed by John Lennon. You can actually listen to this number on , I'm not sure how I can link you directly to it, will do when I find out. Enjoy!! :)
Imagine there's no heaven,
It's easy if you try,
No hell below us,
Above us only sky,
Imagine all the people
living for today...
Imagine there's no countries,
It isn't hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...
You may say Im a dreamer,
but Im not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one.
(Imagine all the people sharing all the world)
Imagine no possesions,
I wonder if you can,
No need for greed or hunger,
A brotherhood of man,
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...
You may say Im a dreamer,
but Im not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one.
Turn The Other Cheek?

Hmm.. Counting to 10 before saying anything worked for me a few times before.. But most of the times, my tongue got the best of me! And since I'm known for talking at the speed of light (100 words/min)..I never give my mind the chance to think..
There's this recent issue going on, I'm trying to gather as much information as possible about the whole thing. I even wrote down what to say! What responds to expect and my come backs! All this in hope that my point would be backed up with a logical, reasonable and "non-childish" excuses and reasons! Oh..and no crying please.. *roll eyes* Or else I could just forget about getting my message across!
I think I'm prepared.. But then again, are we ever? When we are *put* in that certain situation, in the heat of the moment, whatever preparation we had armed ourselves with evaporates all of a sudden! "err.. umm...duuuh.. " Well, I know my mind just goes blank. If this does happen, I guess I'm back to the drawing board..
What's wrong with counting to 10 and coming up with words on the spot! *roll eyes*..
Turn the other cheek.. It's not worth it..
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Today was my second time to this place.. Last time was 3 years ago! *roll eyes*..
Okay, so the place has changed somehow.. But I surprised to see it packed!! Or was it just because today was a holiday and tomorrow is also for the most?
Anyway, it was a friend's birthday.. And we were supposedly getting her a cake from there (whatever!!) - which was supposed to be a surprise.. We had something to eat, then it was time for cake (After a LONG wait!)..
Tada! Waiter was on his way with the cake! Yipeeee! Oops.. what's this? Lights went out! People were all LOOKING AT US! Suddenly soft music began playing, I looked at one of the girls saying "Oh, you gotta be kidding me!!" ...She started laughing! I started laughing hysterically myself!! Music was the lame "Happy Birthday" song, waiters were all around lighting up small fire crackers and singing (which was cute)! And people.. well.. staring.. as usual.. Oh, yeah... Birthday girl was definetly surprised.. But so was I! People probably thought it was MY birthday because of the way *I* reacted!
Hehe.. Aah well.. This was one of those days.. I haven't had a laugh like this in ages!
Words with stories I'm not mentioning:
Brasha (lol!) - 3younek - "7al mou kithak" (Omani Arabic) :D
Highlight of the day: I saw the most handsome Omani! ( Only I thought he was though..) *Roll eyes*
Thing is, I've seen him somewhere once before.. I can't remember (starbucks maybe)!!
Weird.. I wonder if there would be a 3rd time. :p ROFL!
Omani Mystery Man! lol! Who would've thought! ;)
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Famous People

Quoting myself from my second post :
"Meet someone famous before they become famous!"
I think I can cross that out now! :D Wanna know why? yes! I have a famous friend! A guy I went to school with. Hani Mitwasi actually has a video clip showing on Melody Hits TV.
I could not believe my eyes! Hani has always been the school talent.. Playing his guitar away and singing at school ceremonies.. Went to business school with me, then decided it was just *not* his thing.. So he dropped out and joined the Music Academy- Jordan.
Arabic music is just not my cup of tea.. The most "arabic" I've listened to was "Amr Diab".. Anyway, the point is, I watched the video and thought "Why Hani you son of a gun!"..
The channel actually "adopted" him, just like they help launch all the other newbies. With a producer and "friends" in the business.. He made it.
Ok..I didn't really like the song very much , lol, or the video! hehe..I'm sorry but it's just not my style.. I'm just overwhelmed and happy that Hani is actually on TV and can be found on the internet!! :D Not bad for a beginner and I know he could do better in the future!
For those who have extra time to spare and are curious, This is the only way to see it so far:
- Go to
- It's somewhat of a hassle, but you have to create an account. Simple ,takes a few seconds.
- Click video on the main toolbar, and search for videos "artists".
- H for Hani Mitwasi - Wayyak --> The song's name! :D
Saturday, April 08, 2006
I understand it now.. and I can actually use it..For I'm feeling emotionally sensitive and nostalgic!hehe
The last few days have been such a nightmare! I found myself reminiscing about better times from the past. I want time to be alone and work through my thoughts and memories. It might be helpful to allow my memories to surface and let myself feel the emotions that come up. Hmm.. I did cry my eyes out if you must know.. lol..
I think I can mentally relive the happier moments of my life and honor the memory of more difficult times by reflecting on the ways they have contributed to who I am today. But that's ALL I can do, surely I cannot go back and dwell in the past.
This process should help me feel cleansed and free from unexpressed emotions, and only then will I be able to move forward. I'm really having trouble in making the transition from past to present!! It doesn't seem like such a hard thing! Yet, I'm unable to do it! I'm still living in the past!
I think I'm repeating myself..I can see this in a previous post.. It's all about the same feelings really..Being held in the past, not being able to focus and devote my full consciousness to creating positive life experiences now . Not having the ability to move forward with hope and joy for the future will help me feel more optimistic about my current circumstances.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
"Warning Overload"
Letting go doesn't mean that I've given up or have been defeated. I'm just simply placing them in the hands of the universe. The universe can take care of them..
We must give ourselves permission to not concern ourselves with that problem (whatever it is concerning you) any longer and trust that the universe is taking care of it. We would be giving "our burden" to a higher power.
I'm missing out on a lot because my mind is always occupied with ALOT! Sometimes trivial issues take up alot of space! Letting go would free my mind so I can be fully present in each moment.
I'm going to start using that technique.. It must be amazing how quickly problems go away and dreams come true when we finally let go and allow a higher power to help us.
Will I ever rest?
Who Goes There!

"She" has the biggest eyes!! aaw.. Will post more photos later, when I get better shots..
In the mean time.. I'm thinking what to name them.. !!
I'm also thinking that perhaps the reason they came out of hiding is it's time for them to start having solid food! Yikes! I already have 2 cats to feed! 2 + 5 = 7 cats!
Good luck dad.. hehe
Black & White
Meow Baby!!

Our cat "Balbaz" gave birth to 5 kittens..hmm..almost a month ago. She had them somewhere in our backyard and I had to move them inside, Balbaz the mother chose the space under the staircase to hide them there ( For some reason cats always choose that place! it's not exactly accessable- for us! But then again.. Thats the point!)
Today.. The kittens decided to come out of their hiding.. Exploring time!!! And me with a camera! ;)
They're soooo cute!!
Monday, April 03, 2006
Listening To The Void..
One way to experience silence is to wake up before the rest of the world has come alive. I've started praying again only recently.. Waking up before everyone made me experience "silence". After prayer, it's rather difficult to fall back to sleep. So I try not to move into activity, and leave off the lights, and stay in bed (more like sit in bed).. Forget about turning on the television.
I'd sit still and simply listen. It's weird hearing your own heartbeat and breathing.. What's weirder is the silence surrounding me. Alot of you people should do this too! Just stay this way for as long as you can, and allow the sound of silence to penetrate your body until it moves into your core. Feel the gentle, pulsing waves of silence and allow it to cleanse you. Five minutes of communing with silence can leave you feeling vibrant and connected to the universe...!
You have no idea how "refreshed" you'd feel after sitting still and sort of "meditating" first thing in the morning.. Your day would go on easier without you getting that annoying feeling of pressure or confusion...Take it from me! :)
A Genie in the bottle?
Psychic.. Word of the month! My dad has had his share of experience with the extraordinary, ever since he was a kid. Yep, his whole family actually were somewhat "connected".. *roll eyes*
But.. The one who truely takes the cake is my aunt (dad's sister).. She is, what he likes to call, "gifted".. Now, I don't know if she really is.. She just happens to know TOO MUCH about other planes! .. She claims the "ones she knows" are harmless.. "We come in peace!" hehe..
It frustrates my dad when I make fun of the whole thing. *slap*
Ahem.. yeah.. She is my dad's youngest sister, yet he thinks she is the wisest. He turns to her alot when in need of advice, I don't know whether it's because of her "gift" of claiming to know abit of the "unknown".. Or because she's his sis and he's a single parent. Oh, I should also mention that my dad thinks it runs in the family.. hehe.. yeah , he knows for a fact he has a sixth sense that needs to be improved and practiced!
Whatever this obsession is about.. If it makes him happy.. Then it makes me happy.. I just hope.. He doesn't start trying to find out things.... About ME! Gulp!
Welcome to my family with superpowers! Where I have the ability of..... washing piles of dishes at the speed of light! "sigh"
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Can You Keep Up With Me?
I want to..
Learn photography - Be more confident -Sleep peacefully - Visit Ireland - Have more free time - Bond with my cat- See System of a Down live - Watch a football match live - Eat exotic food- Write and record an album - Never stop learning - Buy a car - Get over a broken heart - Trust someone completely - Love myself as much as i love others - See the world - Make a film - Give away a bunch of clothes - Get a tatoo and piercing - Live in Italy - Improve my diet - Get a maid - Be cool - Meet Johnny Depp - Try to not take little things to the heart, "defensive mode" - Think happy and positively everyday - Be a better daughter than i am now - Learn a different language - Drink coffee only on weekends and special occassions - Read all my books within the year - Get married to my one true love - Live everyday as it were my last-now! Visit my friends living abroad before age 30 - Stretch every hour - Let go, but never forget the past - Become a millionaire - Recieve a love letter - Feel like I actually know something about something - Meet someone famous before they become famous! - Take more pictures of the shit I do with my partners in crime!! - Live less inside my own head...
Every person should have one of these..
It Starts...
I like the idea of it being a diary though.. I haven't been writing in mine for such a long time..Probably because I live on the internet.. and my handwritting is "screwier" than ever! Haven't held a pen in ages.. Well.. Except for when writting down my shopping list!
"sigh".. For now .. I'd settle for the diary/journal idea.. I will get the hang of it soon.. and only then will things be more interesting.. ;)
Welcome to Lullaby..
** Thanks for your tips CrazyRed