Sunday, April 02, 2006

It Starts...

So.. I've always wanted to have one.. a Blog that is.. I just couldn't get myself to create it for some odd reason. I think I never really got the idea! I'd ask if it was a diary? Some would say yes, as it is common! Is it something like a journal with personal thoughts and opinions regarding whatever? Another yes..Others though use it in a very "professional" manner..

I like the idea of it being a diary though.. I haven't been writing in mine for such a long time..Probably because I live on the internet.. and my handwritting is "screwier" than ever! Haven't held a pen in ages.. Well.. Except for when writting down my shopping list!

"sigh".. For now .. I'd settle for the diary/journal idea.. I will get the hang of it soon.. and only then will things be more interesting.. ;)

Welcome to Lullaby..

** Thanks for your tips CrazyRed


Kamakazy said...

welcome to the world of bloggers...

reminds me to update mine...

NiGhTFaCe said...

Congrats on the new blog :)

Thank you for including mine in your list.

Lym said...


WARNING: it's addictive!