There are times when you suddenly start thinking.... Yep, you're getting old!
It's something that sort of hit me today while I was out with a friend of mine and her 14 year old sister.. We were looking at some shoes, when I spotted these cool black snickers with pink scribblings on the sides, something like the Anarchy sign, and a pentagram... Okay I liked the shoes, really I did.. And as I reached for them to take a closer look, my friend's sister got hold of them first..
"OMG!! I LOVE THOSE SHOES!" ..... "Reminds me of Avril Lavign!"
Yikes! Avril Lavign's style of shoes?? Hmm... I looked away thinking, wow.. a 14 year old went balistic over these shoes.. What on EARTH would I want with them! Where would I wear them anyway! College? Ah,right.. I'm done with that.. Well, work?? I'm oooldddd!! Bah!
It might be silly, but that surprisingly got to me! I suddenly felt bad that I have to "look" as well as "act" my age and not run around looking like a school girl.. Because I wasn't that anymore..
I felt sad that my "funky" days were over.. You know someone would go insane and people would justify it by saying "Oh it's okay, he's only 16" , "Oh she's still in school or college..so it's fine" or "All their friends look like that"
So does that mean I have to give up my cool rainbow bag? My wrist band? My pin-tags!!
Sniff Sniff (",).. Suits and heels.. DOOM ON YOU! Well.. I guess shaving off my head would be out of the question.. xx
lol! yeh, it's funny and yet scary to realize that you are getting old! :s But what really matters is to enjoy the moment and be happy to have the present, the present!
Melon, stay young at heart ;)
And I'm just saying the classical thing people say in these situations, doesn't necessarity mean I believe you should be like that, but screw what people think, if you want to walk around in Avril Lavigne's boots with a shaved head, then do so. Why care what people say if you love it so much :p
Lym! What's gotten into you?
Listen girl (already starting to make you feel younger :p), walk in those Avril Lavigne shoes if you have to, but do not, and I repeat, do not under any circumstance walk around with a shaved head!! And I mean the Natalie Portman type of head.
Hey I have a couple of those funky pins too. I liked yours! =D
I have one that says "Please feel free to shut the fuck up" and another that says "Let's play hide and go fuck yourself!" lol!
I dedicate the song Forever Young to you :p
looooool @ BM & AP & lym :XD:...
ok that was hilarious... BM dear... what in the world are you planning to wear instead?... suits and sandals?... you know even as a working woman, there's a time for everything...
are you never gonna wear trainers or any funky thing cuz you think they're only suitable for children?... OY... take a look at today's new fashions :p... see if it was only meant for children you wouldn't find the shoes in your size.
nothn to see here ppl,just a little sad girl :)
i remember that bag also the tags on it,reminded me of good time sitting on the universities bench behinde the cars surrounded by fly's,wierd things fall'n from the tree's anyhow am at WORK now commenting so i guess am OLD now but not to worry (same "CRAP" diffrent place)
lol Dabbas! Oh and that was supposed to make me feel better I guess..?? LOL! Yes! Those days I remember! with coffee.. That was my wonder bag,it had everything in it! 'sigh'..ya allah!
sensation I know you're right.. I shouldn't care and enjoy myself to the max!
Lym, I always say I don't care what others think.. But sara7a I can't.. I lied.. I do care what they think.. Because If I saw this old lady wearing youngster clothes or having her hair done in a way only schoolgirls have it like that, then I would definetly talk about her!! .. I wouldn't want anyone talking about me that way, or even giving me such remarks! :(
Triple Tee You see, I always critisize today's fashion! lol And I can't have myself being the thing I'm always against, how no one is acting their age anymore! Young people want to look old and act it, while old people are dying to look young no matter what the cost is..
Arabian Prince..All I can say is LOL! Oh please let me shave my head off!! pretty please! hehe
Basically.. It's not just about the shoes.. it's the whole thing..
fft.. Say, you're in the UK right? my friend got me those pins from London, if you're there and you happen to find any, please bring me a couple when you come! You'll give them to me when we meet! XD
Melon dear
Take it easy
Why you are so negative like that!
you are still cutie 22 years old!
Not 44!!!!
I don't give a damn on what others see
I do what I like
I still act like baby girl to my family
And I have my crazy thoughts and moments
I even thought about shaving off my head
One of my craziest ideas during the summer
But I won't do it
Maybe I will
Let's see ;p
Fine fine.. you can shave your head :p
No I'm not in the UK, I'm in the land down under, Melbourne to be exact. But you don't only get them from the UK so when I find them here I'll get some for you :)
You want a koala or a kangaroo too while I'm at it? :p
Hahaha! I actually started thinking which I'd prefer! Then I got it.. *rolleyes*
Err..Koalas are gay... infact Kangaroos are gay too.. Hmm.. No no.. Kangaroos are cool.. A Kangaroo it is! %P hehe
We called this friend of mine koala and ever since we'd refer to him as 'koala'.. and he was gay!
not literally but as in no one really liked him! hahaha!
Koala if you ever read this, s'all good bro, we still like you
A kangaroo with a big hairy bu... done! :p
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