Saturday, April 08, 2006


A very strange word really.. I remember hearing it for the very first time last year, my friend was incharge of a play by this name...

I understand it now.. and I can actually use it..For I'm feeling emotionally sensitive and nostalgic!hehe
The last few days have been such a nightmare! I found myself reminiscing about better times from the past. I want time to be alone and work through my thoughts and memories. It might be helpful to allow my memories to surface and let myself feel the emotions that come up. Hmm.. I did cry my eyes out if you must know.. lol..

I think I can mentally relive the happier moments of my life and honor the memory of more difficult times by reflecting on the ways they have contributed to who I am today. But that's ALL I can do, surely I cannot go back and dwell in the past.

This process should help me feel cleansed and free from unexpressed emotions, and only then will I be able to move forward. I'm really having trouble in making the transition from past to present!! It doesn't seem like such a hard thing! Yet, I'm unable to do it! I'm still living in the past!

I think I'm repeating myself..I can see this in a previous post.. It's all about the same feelings really..Being held in the past, not being able to focus and devote my full consciousness to creating positive life experiences now . Not having the ability to move forward with hope and joy for the future will help me feel more optimistic about my current circumstances.


Lym said...

I can totally relate to you. But then it's only a transition or phase. You just need to be convinced that you're willing to get over the past and you'll. You shouldn't dwell on it because it does no good and it won't change anything. All that matters is your present/future.

Good Luck :)

Noors said...

I am going through something very very similar, and I have to agree, it's very stressful and you're just feel so isolated from those around you, trapped in your own thoughts, thinking about the past and wondering why and how it all changes..

I guess it's just a phase that we all go through from time to time.

Blind Melon said...

A very *LONG* phase if you ask me..