Thursday, May 18, 2006

..And everything "-ression"!

I'm not feeling myself.. I don't like the way things are going.. and frankly my dear I dont give a damn! lol.. Well, no not quite.. I do give a damn! I just don't know what to do!
Nothing it going my way! I keep blaming it on alot of things! First on the country, then car, then job, then folks.. etc etc..

I think I have ADD.. (Attention Deficit Disorder), I feel like my brain cells are dying by the second! How DO you diagnose ADD anyway? Do I like go to a clinic and ask them to give me tests?

The best compliment I've had in ages was yesterday, when my friend, who visited me from Jordan, said to me: "for someone who has nothing to do & just sits around and eats..You're really slim!" .... rofl.. Yes, I took it as a compliment.

Pfft.. Nevermind my mindless babbling.. I'm suffering from depression, repression, opression, supression and everything -ression! eh.. Something hurts and I don't know what it is!
I feel ignored..


Anonymous said...

It's either one of two things:

1. It's that time of the month.
2. You need a man :D :D

Blind Melon said...

Hahaha!Naaah, I've been like this all month, at "that" time of the month the whole thing just doubles! But's there..

Option two, sounds.. rather..reasonable..

And anonymous is? I think I should disable the anonymous comments! :s Unless it's SoMe1 and she didn't write her name..again!

Anonymous said...

Who else would come up with such a comment eh?

Yeah it's me.. SoMe1

NiGhTFaCe said...

Sometimes its better to be ignored!

TripleTee said...

be ignored or you do the ignoring?... why's it better NF? lol... what's the objective?

BM: I know how you feel hun... I just think you should have confidance in yourself and say... I'm the Melon I can do it and HELL with everyone else :p :p...
no one messes with the Melon...

I hope you feel better in the coming days ...

Lym said...

^^Aboooo, lol

I don't know what to say, go out and do something productive. You will feel better then, or drink Strawberry milk, it makes me feel so good :D

SteLLa said...

Pamper yourself girl! Get your nails done or get a massage or something, it'll make you feel good about yourself =)

Cancerous Beauty said...

Oh cheer up we all have our bad days, i suggest you go out with your friends go shopping, and buy ur self something pretty, if your not into that then you can have a full day at the SPa, nothing more relaxing, or just treat yourself to a really fancy dinner:)


Sama Oman said...

LYM: are you saying "ABOOOOOOH", the Omani slang word ;p
Melon: you are not serious girl,, you are 22 an SLIM
For God Sake
You are damn lucky ;p
At least you have enviable body as your friend mentioned
Besides, you have "Megalomaniac", so how come to be so depression???!!!