Wow.. English Sabla has finally made me a Moderator.. On The General Discussion section. Am I happy? Am I excited? VERY! Overwhelmed actually.. hehe.. I've been a mod for 3 days now, on the first day I actually went to bed 8.00 am! I just spent all night admiring my new "privilages" as a moderator! Sad, eh? You think that's sad? Wait till you hear this...
I was actually hoping a member would screw up or report a post so I would practice my "new duties" as a mod and go on editting, deleting or even warning members to stick to the threads' topics! And I got to do all that! yeeeah! :D Now THAT'S SAD.. hehe
But it doesn't really matter.. All I care about is that I'm finally a mod! :p Well, not exactly the ultimate dream, but I have bugged the admins. the past 4 years! Since the first day I've joined and the question I asked was "How can I become a moderator!?", Nabhan could vouch for that! hehe..
Anywhoo.. This is a good thing, more reasons to be online.. lol.. A responsibility too.
Yaay! I got Best Member for the month of March, now I'm a Moderator! You think I'd get Best Moderator at some point? :p ...Or am I being greedy?
Mabrook.. I've said it before.. Allah yi3eenik..
Tell me when you're going to quiet, and someday i'm sure i'm going to say to you "I told you so!"
aaaw you're such a pessimist! Party pooper! Lemmi have my fun !! :p Inshallah there won't be any "quitting" invoved! not even later! I know what I signed on to! :p
hehe... how does it feel Melon? :p... glad you're enjoying it... shoulda told me you wanna try your duties... woulda been naughty on purpose to give you good practice :p...
well I'm glad you're in :)... well done..lol
Haha, 7lelk. I'm with Triple Tee on this one.
Surprisingly, I don't share your views, as in I was excited to edit, delete, or issue a notice to a member, but I got to do all three on the first day. Actually it was tricky, but I didn't know how to deal with the situation, but then the team was great, and supportive. It's just because religion seems more sensitive and people get tad personal about it :os
Ya rabiii, you even want to moderate the comments on your blog!!!
I say free your blog, free your blog! Ya bint il 7alal, moderate the sabla, and let the blog ours *cries*
Hey Melonz, you deserve it girl, pretty sure you'll just do a great job.
Give your blog some spare time and post here more than there :p
Looks like you have your work cut out for you,Now they are going to screw up so you have to moderate them.
They want discipline from you..;)
Congratulations (for the second time)! You deserve it. I mean all that activity lately mashaAllah... the least they could've done was make you a moderator :)
I know where you're coming from and I'm sure I'd feel the same way about it too :)
I wish you all the best, although I do hope that you never get the chance to 'carry out your duties' on any of my posts (",)
SoMe1= Hopefully that will NEVER happen! I hate ppl telling me "I told you so!" ..Yeah I get told that alot! :p
Bashar= Haha! Typical Jordanian cop! New police officer on the 3rd circle! hehe
TTT= So far, it feels GREAT! lol.. No I hope I never have to moderate you! :p
Lym= I see you got the hang of it! Consider yourself lucky having done those actions in one day! Training! :p Lucky you!
Hacking= I will have to moderate you in my blog, since you're "No-show" in Sabla! No cookies for you!
Life= Allah Yibarek Feek! :D Yeah Yeah..this is the dawn of a new age! With superb mods like me and Lym! :p
Ayrab= Feel my WRATH! lol.. Well, so far everything is going good.. Im nice..sometimes mean.. but nice mean! :p
Arabian Prince= Thanks (again!)
Well you're right! It is the least they could do! :p Im grateful though.. 3oqbal becoming an Assistant Admin.! :p Well..That would probably take another 4 years.. 'sigh'
BM a mod ... :)
I may just grab a proxie come back to the sabla too rag on ya.
LOl Congrats!!!!!!!!!! i bet in no time you will get the best mod:)
neway enlighten us what are all the terrific jobs and advantages you get as a Mod!! i love you:) and no one else deserves it more.
lol! Congrats! Well it's a bit late to say that but yalla! I can see that this moderating thingie is really getting into you! lol! :p Enjoy it, miss moderator :)
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