Now let me see, whats been going on lately...
- Well, last Tuesday was my brother's graduation ceremony. 'Sigh'.. Our little shrimp is now 18 and is finishing High school.. They grow up fast, eh? Makes me feel.. old!
The Ceremony took place in Crown Plaza in Qurum.. Or is it Shatii Qurum? Some kind of Qurum.. Anyway.. I think their school has always had the graduation ceremonies held there.
I felt weird going.. Seeing all those teachers! My old teachers (I studied there for 7 years!), the old principal and his WHOLE family (who are friends with my family), old class mates (Some I was surprised to see there and some I knew would show up), I was excited with the ones I was surprised to see! Long TIME! Ha! ;) You know yourself! :p
I also met some new people (sisters of my brother's friends who knew who I was).. It was all good.. All the boys looked really good dressed up in suits.. Fine young gentlemen they were!
- Yesterday we had a cousin visit us for a short while from Jordan. My dad's cousin actually.
And what do people do when they have visitors over?? Yep... A BANQUET! lol..
And who's the only female around to make that banquet possible? Yours truely.. *groan*
Theme: Fish. So, I cooked Fish in the oven, French Fries, Tabouleh (yes!), Shrimp Salad, Mixed Fried Rice, Green Salad, and Eggplant gratan as a side dish! Ofcourse, with your usual auderves (Is that how you spell it?) of olives, pickles, raddishes, leafy vegetables..etc
The dinning table was a Masterpiece I tell you! - Should've taken photos. Well.. All was gone in a matter of ... minutes!.. Little critters... 'sigh'
I'm ending this subject by saying that my loving brother readily offered to wash all the dishes!!Ofcourse.. I ACCEPTED! You had to see the piles of dishes in both sinks! -Should've taken photos of this too. He was done and all was dandy, untill I caught my dad slip him 5 rials for helping out! *Furious* Hey! That is NOT fair! If only he paid ME for the chores I take care of! My family had totally ruined my hobby of cooking! :(
- I have a friend leaving tomorrow night, back to Jordan.. I promised to spend the day with her at her place..(Oh why did I do that!).. It's not that I don't like her.. She's fine, and afterall , she IS an old classmate.. A childhood friend per say.. But.. You know when you see someone and catch up on old times and then have that awkward silence? I mean, you've said everything you had to say first time you met.. You have nothing in common but your past as children!
But.. I promised..
- Highlight of my week would be Monday 14th - My friend Emma is coming to Oman for a 2 day visit! Yipeee! We're hitting the beach! er.. going to the beach that is! Sun, sand here we come! :D I will be taking photos of everything ofcourse, and will update later on! :)
That's all folks! Enjoy!!
P.S: Photo #1= The Graduates- My bro and one of my favorite friends of his! :) Photo#2= Both my brothers and Moi.
*Light Bulb* Mixed fried rice!!.. Now how do you make that? I know it's pretty easy.. Can't wait for mum to come and help me out end of June!!! I want TABOOLEH TOO!!! Hey, didn't you say you'd make a blog for cooking? WHERE IS IT?
So you call him a Shrimp? Is that becuase potentially he might be the shortest of all the boy's ?(rolleyes)...
Tell you what, since you're a great cook, perhaps when we move soon enough i'll pay for you to come live with us and be my cook :D might as well be my baby sitter while you're at it :D you'd love it here.. and hopfully you will meet a guy who is taller than you.. LOL.. Ahem.. you know what i mean.. don't you? Okay my hormons are scwered up again, i'd better go..
Congrats to your brother on his graduation wo 3oqbal the tiny one with the cute smile :) (reminds me of my brother)
So you're an Iron Chef sorta gal eh? When do we get to judge you're cooking? :p
I miss the beach, sun and sand! But that's at the top of my to do list once I'm back!
Sure, you have interesting blog and posts girl!
You love to cook HuH!
So, when we are invite to test your dishes ;p
What a treachery :(
You should demand to have 50-100 rials for you hard work!
You have interesting life, so no need to be so negative about your age or anything else "Cutie slim girl"
Oh, Yes, you brother friend is damn cute.
Ha Ha Ha Ha
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