Hmm.. I don't really like comparing myself to people.
But sometimes a person can't help him/herself! It is human nature to want to see how we measure up in comparison to others - especially if we think that they are better than us or have more of something that we want. Yet the truth is that it is not a good use of time to compare ourselves with others because there is no one like us and this makes us incomparable. Yes.. Each and everyone of us is unique. There is no one else like you in the entire universe. In honor of your unique self, it is good to acknowledge and embrace the special qualities that make you the person that you are. One way to do this is to NOT compare yourself with other people.
Each of us has very special gifts, and we are here for very specific reasons. We each have a life purpose to fulfill and with this come the lessons that we must learn and the circumstances that we must go through in order to evolve as spiritual beings. To compare our lives to other people's lives when we have no idea of what THEY are here to learn or fulfill doesn't benefit anyone - especially you.
Accept yourself, appreciate the special talents and qualities that you alone possess, and realize that you are going through certain kinds of experiences for a reason, you are less likely focus so much on what other people have or are doing. Try to not compare yourself to others, and you will see how much you have and how special you are.
LOVE YOURSELF! Repeat that.. all day long! I LOVE ME! :D .. really..I do.. and no, that doesn't make me a narcassist!
P.S: The photo is originally a picture of me! lol..A little snip snap here and there.. And voila!.. No I don't want to look like that! :p
Nice post..
That is one unique picture..:)
Yellow hair?
a strong message, conveyed loved it!!! you are unique, talented and beautiful in you own way everyone is, even if you are more than others:).
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