I suppose you all know by now that I got my drivers license. Innit cool?
Yeah.. No more hitching rides, begging to be dropped off places, or just being stuck at home because I don’t have a car and there’s no one to drop me.. sigh.. Finally I guess..
Well.. I’ve said this before, when I got my license in Jordan, but I didn’t have my own car then..
And I still didn’t drive here, so technically I was still a pedestrian! :P
Anyway, now I can finally I’m not anymore.. Sure I use my brother’s car, but he’s not complaining since I always fill it up!! :s Erm.. Yeah, well I’m always afraid I’d be short on fuel!
Anywhooo... Yesterday was like “Driving day” for me! I actually drove all around Muscat!
Not that I meant to... But I kind of got lost in Madinat Al Ealam, MSQ and Al Ghobra … lol!
I drive to work in Al Ghobra... so yeah I took a wrong turn there and got lost…
Got lost again later that afternoon looking for my friend’s place (TripleTee) in Al E3lam as I was supposed to pick her up and go meet the sabla gals… We were late of course.
After leaving the gathering, I dropped a friend living in Wadi Htat... So yep that was quite a drive! Tee & I then headed off for some Starbucks Frappuccino at MSQ, it was crowded so we decided to go to Shatii’s branch.. Got lost trying to leave MSQ...
Sure.. Laugh all you want. I can assure you it wasn’t funny yesterday!!
Finally had Starbucks, dropped Tee home and headed home myself, it was 11 pm.. I realized I’ve been driving around since 5pm ... Hmm.. And for some reason, I still hadn’t had enough.. Went home picked up my bro Solidus for a drive… Again, the same “circle” – MSQ, Shatii then ended my night with McDonalds…
This day was just packed.I think I did everything a driver could possibly do!! Let’s go through it…
1- I drove like a psycho, hit the horn a lot. (Basically I drove like a Jordanian!)
2- I was speeding before entering main roads.
3- Speeding on roundabouts and almost lost control of the wheel.
4- Hit the bottom of my car at a speed bump (I didn’t see it!)
5- Ran a stop sign.
6- Ran a red light (Solidus said I’d make it! – obviously I didn’t)
7- I fueled the car up twice.
8- Drove while talking on the phone.
9- Ate fries while driving.
10- Changed lanes without indicating
11- Used the hazard button just for the heck of it.
12- Started driving and forgot to let down the hand brake!
Sheesh! ... so… umm.. Anyone up for a drive??? :D No I'm serious..
lol, It was an interesting experience I assure you. She was just a bit uneasy and unsure. Otherwise I found her driving pretty good for the first days. "according to my standard of evaluating"... perhaps if she was taking the test then she would've failed, cuz once the license is taken...it's bye bye rules..lol.. that was fine by me :p
What sucked was I wasn't familiar with the roads either, even after living in Oman for nearly 10 years. So yeah, we did roam about here and there :p...
for the rest it would be "congratulations BM"... that's a fine achievement after all :D
At least I can say there is a worse driver than me in Oman! *loool*
Heeeey! I resent that!! :p
I'm not ..that bad.. I think.. lol!
Walek when will I take you out for a drive?? :D
Gurl, you rock!
Here is a short tutorial on how to perform a burn out.
1) stop at traffic lights. look over to the driver in the next car and give him this menacing look that says, "Grrrrr".
2) Press the gas pedal in a threatening manner. "Vroom.. Vrooom.. Vrooooooom. Vroo vroo vroooom...
3) Put your car in first gear but keep the clutch down.
4) light turn orange. Slam your foot on the gas and as they turn red, release the clutch at once.
It would be a good idea at this point to not close your eyes.
For added smoke effect, keep your handbrake lifted at all times.
5) drive to your nearest vulcaniser, whip out daddy's credit card and get your car a new set of tyres for tomorrow.
You might wanna show Solidus how to release the clutch once you master the burn out. :D
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