Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Beware My Wrath...

Oh my friends.. It is I, the Melon.. Back once again...
Well not quite..I know you’ve missed me.. :p
But these 2 weeks have been SO hectic! (Ever since I’ve started working)
Well... So far, my blog is becoming a bit on the “diary” side...
But, boy have I got things to tell you!! lol

Well... Regarding me falling down the stairs, that phase is over, thank god, I’ve recovered, A bit of muscle pain is left, but other than that… All’s good! :)

My job.. AKH.. MY JOB.. fft.. You wanna hear something funny?
I don’t like it.. Yeah! You heard me! I DON’T LIKE IT! Ahem... Why you ask?
Well, for starters, it’s not really what I had expected! And whoever hears me saying that is like “what? You haven’t been there for long, and you’re complaining already!!”
Well, yeah, I kind of know what it’s like and what it’s going to be like forever after only being here for 2 weeks now.

My dad is like “Oh, all jobs are like that… all bosses and managers are like that” or “That’s what being an assistant is all is about”

Speaking of managers… ugh… The one I’ve got is just a pain...:s Good God.. Some of you might already know, as I hadn’t stopped complaining ever since I’d started!
He’d ask me to do things. Very trivial things really... And I just look at him and think, as Solidus would say ... “Moo Fotha?!” ugh.. Sometimes I just wanna slap him silly! .. Oh.. Scratch that.. I might want to murder him.. As we say "Ma at2al damo" .. He's not light hearted at all!!
*A very crossed Melon* perv..

Anyway, on a happier note... I finally got my driver’s license!! Hahaaa!! Finally!
And I drove home from work yesterday! FINALLY! I’m driving ...But I still need company with me of course, my brother in this case.. Until I get the feel of the car and the hang of it… ‘Sigh’ ... I’m truly happy!

Hmm.. What else is there to mention?? Aaah yes.. What other than Football fever for ‘tis the season.. I haven’t watched a single game! Not one match! Which sucks.. I’ve been called many things among them was getting an sms from my friend in Ozzie saying “You’re such a loser!! It’s the World Cup!” … *rolleyes*

Yes I know it’s the world cup, but to be honest, I just don’t feel it.. The country doesn’t exactly enter the whole football spirit.. It was really different back in Jordan..
We would go hang out in big groups at nice places where they’d be showing the match..
There’s none of that here.. Seriously.. :(

Oh well.. Work is taking up most of my time anyway.. I guess I wouldn’t have time for football even if I had the channels and the friends to watch with…

Yesterday night.. My VERY first night out.. I went out with a friend of mine God bless'er .. And I saw where people usually hang out! Which is great! Oh.. It was Karaoke night.. We sang! :p
You can guess where! hehe.. *sneaky*


TripleTee said...

lol... you're beginning to discover new places here... trust me there are loadz of places where you can hang out and where people watch matches... you just need the group :p

as for your job... I've no doubts you'll work it all out hun. I've got the impression you're good enough to be hired for anything to do with tourism... the way you interact with people and how you're good at holding your temper... love watching that...lol

good luck with all that... see you around soon and get used to driving already!

Sama Oman said...

Finally...you are here =D

you got your License!!! COOL :)

you are more active than me :(

about the job, my love...
Say Thanks God i got a job not like others "Like me" staying at home doing nothing.
you can start in this company as a first station and learn new things and you can move to another one in future after you gain a good experiences that will help you find another and better one.

don't give up and try to be strong

pray for me to follow you...

Nice to have you back

LOVE your posts


Lym said...

I'm glad you enjoyed the Mexican ;)

I think I'm already bored and it has only been a week since I've been home. I need to go out, see friends, get crazy, then go back to the serious stuff in life!

Mubarak on your license.

Nash said...

congratulations on getting your license... happy and safe driving...