This might be the first post that is somewhat..."Jordanian" lol.. Because I'm gonna be referring to taxi cabs in Jordan, as I don't take taxis around Oman.. It's not a very friendly idea for women to take cabs here.. And plus, thank god for my car! :p
Maybe I should change the title.. I'm not totally an "ex-passenger" per say, I mean, I will be taking cabs if I ever go back to Amman for vacation as I don't have a car there..
Anyway, I'm sure we have all ridden taxicabs at some point in our lives, and we all know the drivers' tendencies to just chatter away with passengers (I think this happens everywhere!) and would go on and on about their lives, their golden past and the bleak future!
I've heard stories from the driver being a uni graduate with a degree in Engineering, but couldn't find a suitable job, to a driver who doesn't really own the cab, it's his cousin's and he's just helping him out and ofcourse the story of a driver with connections, related to someone in the government, knows someone who knows someone..etc..
There was this one taxi driver though, I will never forget him. He kept on blabbering and went on and on about his life and wouldn't stop asking questions about me and what I did and where I was headed.. I thought to myself, GOD please let these 15 minutes end quickly (I was headed to Jabal Amman from Dahiet Al Rasheed).. Ofcourse, I must confess that I usually do converse with the drivers if they appeal to me, I would be very friendly to them, like I've known them for ages! But this This one, I did not like.. He was this "sege3" "damu t2eel" kind of guy, in his 30's with the sleek hair brushed back with tons of gel, long pinky fingernail (to either pick his nose with, or his ear shub3arefni!), and ofcourse the disco-tec vehicle.. snore..
Anyway, lets just say "ma a3teito wijeh", but being the nice and polite person that I am, I gave him short replies, yes and no, with my face to the window at all times, I wouldn't even look at him, but I could see he was staring through his miror..
Now at that point, I was 5 minutes away from my destination on the first circle, he's still telling me how his friend betrayed him and how macho he was and blah, when he gets interrupted by his ringtone.. Saved by the bell I thought.. All of a sudden he truns to me with this fearful look on his face and says "Sssshhhhhhhhhh".. Picks up his phone and says "Aah 7abeebti..." .. I was gobsmacked! .. "Keep the change".. I walked the remaining distance!
For all the years I've been in Jordan, I have been in zillion taxicabs and there are ones I've ridden more than once (fate lol).. Most of you Jordanians out there know exactly what I'm talking about here.. I'm not being offensive to taxi drivers ofcourse, I'm just reflecting the irony.. After all I wasn't able to get anywhere without them! Ya3teekom il 3afyeh! :D
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