I've always been the artistic type to be honest.. I pick up after my father.. For he is a person who's intouch with his emotions and knows how to express himself through drawings and painting. I just wish I had time to practice it all... I used to have the time, and I used to have alot of paintings.. But I just gave them away! stupid me stupid me! I wish I hadn't! :(
And ofcourse, not going for Graphic Designing in college, was partially the reason why I never picked up where I left.. I guess the business world took over me.. And I sort of lost all my artsy sense.. But then I realized, you don't really lose that! Once an artist always an artist! All I have to do is go back to it, step by step and I'll be back on track! So, I've decided.. I'm going to try and work on that side of me! Practice more to develope it.. I've got all the time in the world, It's not like I'm working nowadays.. even if I did, that would help me fund my equipment, from brushes, paints and canvas and paper etc.. lol @ Fund.. Yeah, and because of that as these things are costly! I turned to photography as a way to express myself! :D
As for the photos here, some of my dad's artwork. Well, we're supposedly moving house soon, so as an attempt of knowing whats what and whats junk, I came across those old paintings that belonged to my dad and probably never got to finish! The Vase, Flowers.. are probably done.. The one with small squares is an idea I'm hopefully going to complete, the colorful design my dad actually created and was used on women's dishdashas.. And the last portriat of a woman Im hoping is my mom! hehe.. (I couldn't scan them, so I just took pictures of them)
He used to have more .. A whole LOT more! I just can't find them! :(
You know I became very curious to see any of your past or future art works. As for the ones attatched, the first one, the girl, is very very good, excellent way of coloring.. Tell hime to keep it up ^^,
lol Snooky.. Thanks man! I promise if I do manage to get anything done, I'll post! Besides visual arts ofcourse, I mean I like it and all, but I really suck at using photoshop and illustrator and It's taking me forever to learn!
I really love traditional art and colors! Whatever happened to that! Does it all have to be High-Tech and 3D!
Ahaa.. The artwork of our great father.. Indeed I was really shocked when I saw some of these, didn't expect that he would have some excellent hidden paintings that he didn't show us..
Glad we dug them up.. :D
Wow!! MashaAllah those were really good! I liked them all with no exception but my favorites were the Lady portrait and the colorful design.
I kept staring at the portrait and I was astonished with the way he had incorporated 3 colours as bases and shades (pardon the terms, I just made them up).
As for the design, I'm not surprised it was used for womens dishdashas because it looks like an intricately filigreed piece of art :)
Now let's see some of your work ;)
Lovely Artwork ;p
I love t draw too
but Now I don't have that good mood to draw anything :(
another thing we got in common... I wish I could find my dad's drawings... but your can be sure they're all of lions, tigers or horses! lol.. he's an expert in those...
your dad's quite the artist there... it's good to have that from him :os...
Art must be in your genes, so keep practicing...
Update Dear Update ;p
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